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Vacuum annealing furnace

A Comprehensive Guide on Vacuum Annealing Furnace: Advantages, Developments Applications

The vacuum annealing furnaces are certainly wonderful creations which have revolutionized the way we deal with metals. These provide the base of machines that heat treat metal parts and alloys with high temperatures up to 1300°C in a controlled atmosphere which is vital for hardening. This article investigates the capabilities of vacuum annealing furnaces, looks at new advances in these systems and discusses potential applications.

Benefits of vacuum annealing furnace

One of the big advantages to using vacuum annealing furnaces is can control environment creation. A vacuum is created by removing all air and gases from the chamber. A vacuum environment has multiple benefits like low contaminants, and conserves non-metallic materials (purity).

Additionally, elimination of oxygen and water vapor in the annealing stage is important for minimizing rusting, oxidation. Because of the above, so many people like to choose a vacuum annealing furnace for stainless steel and titanium or alloys because except this weird color change there is not much rust happens.

Furthermore, the furnaces provide precise cooling for controlled cool down; allowing the annealing process to end on time. This method of cooling allows the steel to be toughened while still maintaining a hard outer layer.

Why choose Nanjing Chishun Vacuum annealing furnace?

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